The Right Stuff

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A Tall Tale told amongst the crews of the 319th:

A small group of airmen on the island of Okinawa were observed conducting a bazaar experiment near their airfield during World War II. They wrapped a cloth around a can of beer, then tied it securely with parachute cord allowing about six feet to dangle. Next, they filled a five gallon bucket with aviation gasoline and placed it on the ground. The experiment consisted of holding the six foot length of cord, dipping the beer can into the gasoline, and whirling it about one's head at the end of the cord hoping to cool it by evaporation. The process was to be repeated until the beer can felt cold. While the airmen were engaged in this frustrating activity, Capt. Don (Deke) Slayton stepped in and immediately took charge. "Give me that beer, men," he ordered. "And wait here until I get back." He confiscated the beer and took it with him.

The men were still moping around and chafing about losing their beer when Slayton returned in about an hour. To their amazement he began passing out ice cold beer to each one of them. One of the airmen in awed disbelief said, "Captain Slayton you must be a magician. There's no refrigeration in this area."

"Naw, I just tossed the beer in the bomb bay of my ole A-26 Invader and took her up to about 15,000 feet and flew around for about 30 minutes - you know how cold it is at that altitude."

"Cap'm. Slayton you not only brought the right stuff but you got the right stuff."