Revell A-26B Invader

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This kit is has been re-branded and re-packaged many times, including the ProModeller version, and the Monogram version. Casual modelers may find the overall shape and appearance of the product satisfactory, but those who are sticklers for details and exact accuracy will note several problems with this kit. There are also several fit issues with this model kit. I will attempt to lay out all of the problems that I am aware of below.

If you re going to build this kit, be aware that there are some serious issues with Fit. Notably the guide-pins that are molded into the plastic, don't line up on the fuselage. In order get the two halves to join together properly you need to cut the guide pins off and simply align it manually. Some batches also have some serious gaps where the engine nacelles join with the wings, but other batches don't seem to have this issue as noticeably. This can be addressed by using putty.

The nose section on the B-model kit is also the correct length, but the fuselage is too long. Cutting 0.116" of material off the front end of the fulseage (after trimming away the flash around the nose) will allow the fuselage to sit at the correct length. Putty and sanding may be required to smooth the nose. The top of the nose section is also a little flat and can be built up using putty and smoothed down again.

The nose section on the C-model kit is too long and pointed. Removing 0.020" of material by sanding the nose round will help to correct this.

The B-model also has some serious fit issues with the ventral turret. This can be addressed by cutting the lip off of the inside of the turret so it sits flat, cutting a disc from 0.030" plastic and gluing that into the turret position, then gluing the turret to the disc. The rest of the turret fairing can be build up by using putty and sanding and/or by using clay or a similar material.

The pilot's seat is too far back and to low when using the bubble canopy. The A-26 went through 3 different canopy changes. The first two were flat-top canopies, and the third was to create the "clam-shell" bubble-top canopy. This modification required the seat to be moved forward and raised to allow the pilot better visibility.

The fuselage itself is about 1.5mm too wide all the way down, especially in the main body of the plane. There is no easy way to correct this.

The tail section is about 10 degrees too far forward, and the slope on the bottom of the fuselage is slightly too high.

The model doesn't sit right unless weight is added to the nose. But when weight is added, the model sits more level than the actual plane. This could hypothetically be addressed by either lengthening the nose gear or shortening the two main gears.