Moe the motor car
Gene Ryan and I bought a 1937 Studebaker, when we checked in at Columbia Army Air Base in early 1945. That "Stud Maker," used more oil than gas, but, fortunately, oil wasn't rationed and smog control was an unheard of concept. The car would lay a smoke screen all the way from the base into town. We usually hauled a gang of the troops with us on our frequent sorties into town. I learned in those days what a con artist Gene was. I was so naive and gullible that I bought his line that I should drive because he didn't have a driver's license. (He could drive an A-26 but not a car?!) Of course, his real motive was to be in the back seat romancing one of the two southern belles we dated in Columbia. As it turned out, Columbia Army Air Base was a great duty station. We had a lot of free time when we were not flying. As two young bucks, we spent most of that free time chasing girls. That old Studebaker played an important role in our adventures.
EJ Brockman, 319th Bombardment Group