Down goes a Po-2
This story was relayed by Charlie Carlson, of the 8th Bomb Squadron. He says:
I remember this report being in 3rd Headquarters that was one that all wanted to read, it had received quite a bit of publicity. It happened before I arrived at Kunsan. According to the report, one of the 8th Bomb Squadron planes shot down an enemy observation plane. The crew spotted the slow moving Polikarpov Po-2 and came around to shoot it down. The B-26 overshot the plane a few times and circled around again. The B-26 pilot got creative and was cruising around with full flaps, the wheels down, the bomb bay doors open, and cowl flaps cracked...still at 130 mph. Nothing they did could get the plane slower than that. The Po-2 crew now knew they were being hunted and tried evasive manuvers. As difficult as it was to stay on the PO-2 tail an opportunity came and the B-26 crew hit the firing button at 800ft from the target. It was a 90 degree deflection shot while standing on a wing tip. There was a bright flash and the Po-2 blew into pieces.