A-26 Invader Units of World War 2
This book, by Jim Roeder, all around is a good addition to an Invader enthusiast's library. Overall, it paints a good picture of the background and development of the Invader and its use in WWWI, specifically. The book is thorough and thoughtful and logically arranged. It covers many aspects of the Invader that are of interest to the general reader. My main criticism of this work is that anyone who is attempting to use this book as a source for serious historical research approach it with a grain of salt as there are numerous errors throughout the book. These errors aren't the kind of thing that would detract a general reader from enjoying the book, but they may be obstacles in research-based interests. In the sake of trying to point out these issues, I have made a list of the errors in the book below, along with the actual corrections.
Versions & Editions
The book I have in my collection is the 1st Edition of this book, copyright 2010. It features the plane "Sugar Baby" on the cover. I have seen a 2nd version of this cover in one place, but I have not seen a second edition of this book, so I am unsure if this other cover was a prototype mockup or an intended 2nd edition. Every book seller that carries the book only seems to have the 1st Edition available.