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Planes are divided into two categories -modern planes, with names displayed after the Korean War, and Historical Planes, which show their wartime names. All planes are listed alphabetically within each category.
I've completely reworked this page to make it more useful. The whole table is sortable by any column. If you want to see all of the named planes within a particular squadron, sort the table by the squadron column and it will bunch them together. If you want to see the list numerically, sort by serial number. By default they are listed alphabetically.  

==Modern Planes==
The list does include names that I have not yet IDd, as well as notes and comments about how the ID was made. Sometimes the entire plane is visible, so that makes it easy. Other times, I have to cross-reference several documents. Not that the table will also say "FAA records" - this doesn't always mean literally the US Federal Aviation Administration. I'm using it here as a generic term to term to mean the aviation records of whatever country the plane is in.  
Note that many of these planes do not have their historical names or markings with a handful of notable exceptions.  

The "Era" column shows different entries - WWII (for military planes from 1944-1950), Korea (1951-1955), and Vietnam. Modern is listed for any civilian plane, regardless of year. So, Reynolds Bombshell, which flew in 1947 and was a WWII contemporary, would still be listed as "Modern" due her status as a civilian plane.

*'''Bar-Belle Bomber''' - [[44-35562]]
'''Please note: Some planes have more than one name, so if you sort by serial number and see multiple entries for the same plane, that is not necessarily an error.'''

*'''Daisy Mae''' - [[44-35643]]
If you know of any named planes that we have missed, please let us know.
*'''Dream Girl''' - [[44-35733]]

*'''Feeding Frenzy''' - [[44-34538]] - IMG
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Name
! Serial #
! Period
! Squadron
! Group/Wing
! Comments
|3 Ball
|[[Michigan ANG]]
|IDd from photo
|The 5th Chadwick
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photos
|The 6th Chadwick
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photos
| The 7th Chadwick
| [[44-34698]]
| Korea
| [[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
| [[3rd Bombardment Group]]
| ID from photo.
| 8 ball
| [[44-34738]]
| Modern
| N/A
| [[Airspray]]
| ID from photos and FAA records.
|ID from photo. Was at Planes of Fame museum before it was redressed. If memory serves, the original Ahaulin was abandoned and scrapped in Korea, need to double check this.
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo and unit history. May be the same as above, need to double check.
|Apple Valley Boomerang
|[[729th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from Unit historical association
|[[319th Bombardment Group]]
|IDd from photos
| Ariazonas
| [[44-34766]]
| Modern
| N/A
| Paramount
| ID from photos and FAA Records. Name is best guess based on image enhancement.
|At Ease
|[[728th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from Unit historical association
| Baby Alan
| [[41-39234]]
| [[409th Bombardment Group]]
| plane ID' from photo of landing accident.
|The Bacardi Bomber
|IDd from unit history
|IDd from photos and FAA records
|Bar-Belle Bomber
|IDd from photo and FAA records
|Beautiful Katey
|[[409th Bombardment Group]]
|IDd from photo. Plane "C" within squadron. Pilot is Lt. Tom Farr.
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from Photo and unit history
| Beruie I
| [[41-39361]]
| [[416th Bombardment Group]]
| ID from photos of Crew Chief, TSgt R. Dullnig.
| Big Chief
| [[41-39362]]
| Korea
| [[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
| [[3rd Bombardment Group]]
| IDd from Photos.
|Big Chief
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from Photo and personal account of John Horne.
| The Big O, The Terrible Swede
| [[44-34098]]
| Korea
| [[8th Bombardment Squadron]]
| [[3rd Bombardment Group]]
| IDd from photo.
|Billie II
|[[8th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo and unit history
|The Black Bitch
|[[730th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from Unit historical association
|Black Jack
|ID from photo
|The Black Noop Gnat
|ID from personal account by pilot's family and cross-refering KORWALD.
|Black Panther
|[[731st Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|IDd from photos and unit history
|Black Widow
|[[37th Bombardment Squadorn]]
|[[17th Bombardment Wing]]
|IDd from photos.
|[[729th Bombardment Squadron]]
|IDd from Unit History. Pilot was Lt. Ray Marzullo.
|Boot to the Ass
|IDd from photos
|Bostonians Express
|ID from photo.
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from unit historical association
|Brown Nose
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]], [[90th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photos and unit history
| Buddy
| [[43-22356]]
| [[416th Bombardment Group]]
| ID from photo.
| Bugs
| [[43-22495]]
| ID from photo
|IDd from photos
|Bugs II
|Name from photo
| Bula
| [[43-22385]]
| [[416th Bombardment Group]]
| ID from photo
|Burke II
|[[416th Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo
|Bye Bye Bluebird
|[[8th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from historical records. Said to be the plane to drop the last bomb of the Korean War. Flown by 1st Lt. Donald Mansfield.
|Congo (CIA)
|[[Cuban Volunteer Group]]
|CIA Special Operations
|ID From historical records
|Captain Mac
|[[729th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from Unit historical association
| Carol (illegible)
| 44-3566_
| ID from photo. Cannot make out second word under "Carol", last digit of serial number is obscured. Attempting to cross-reference with accident reports to identify.
| Carrot Top
| [[41-39264]]
| [[416th Bombardment Group]]
| ID'd by pilot name, Lt. (Paul) Parker (from Photo) and cross-referencing mission logs, as well as photo of complete plane.
|Cat Girl
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo and unit history
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo and unit history
|Cecil Mickey
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo and unit history
|Cherry Crew
|[[728th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from Unit historical association
|Chili Lilli
||[[729th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from Photos
| City of Santa Rosa
| [[44-34324]]
| Korea
| [[729th Bombardment Squadron]]
| [[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
| ID from photos and Squadron Historical association
| City of Santa Rosa
| [[41-39303]]
| Modern
| N/A
| N/A
| IDd from Photos. Not the same plane as the Korean war plane with that name.
| Coastal Luck IV
| [[44-34713]]
| Modern
| N/A
| N/A
| ID from photos and FAA Records.
| Coaster Rambler
| [[41-39117]]
| Unknown
| [[3rd Bombardment Group]]
| This is one of the Pacific Evalation Invaders assigned to the third. The name is probably right, based on the photo. It is unclear which squadron this plane was assigned to as the evaulation planes were used by multiple squadrons, but it was likely assigned to the 8th or 13th bomb squadron.
|Col. Brady's Dixie Special
|[[8th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from Photo and Unit History
| Colleen Riley I
| [[]]
| [[319th Bombardment Group]]
| Name from photo.
|Name from image. Roeder's book attributes this plane to 416th BG, but the nose says "1st Lt. G. W. Peterson", and 416BG had no such person. To be fair, I cannot rule out that this name might be entirely ficticious as I cannot easily locate any record matching this.
|Cotton Jenny
|IDd from photos and FAA records. Was a race plane.
|Cough Drop Special
|IDd from photo and pilot account
|Cyclone II
|[[12th Tactical Reconnaisance Squadron]]
|ID from photo
|Daddy's Girl
|[[729th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from Unit historical association
|Daisy Mae
|IDd from photos and FAA records
|Dark Eyes
|[[12th Tactical Reconnaisance Squadron]]
|ID from photo and unit history
|Deborah's Dad
|[[8th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo and unit history
| Denver Darling
| [[43-22307]]
| [[416th Bombardment Group]]
| ID from photo
|Devil Cat
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from unit historical association
| Dinah Might
| [[43-22498]]
| ID from Photo.
| Disagreeable 4
| [[43-22490]]
| [[416th Bombardment Group]]
| ID from photo
|Dixie D
|ID from photo
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from unit historical association
| Doris Ann
| [[43-22381]]
| [[416th Bombardment Group]]
| ID from photo
| Doris Lee
| [[43-22498]]
| [[416th Bombardment Group]]
| ID from photo and 416th records
|[[8th Bombardment Squadron]], [[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|IDd from photos and squadron historical associations
|[[319th Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo
|Dottie Mae
|ID from photo
| Double Trouble
| [[43-22612]]
| Modern
| N/A
| N/A
| IDd from photos
|[[405th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[38th Bombardment Group]]
|Nose are from image. Don't remember where the unit ID came from. Reportedly from Okinawa, Jun 1945.
| Dragon Lady
| [[44-35456]]
| Modern
| N/A
| [[Airspray]]
| ID from photos and FAA records.
|Dream Girl
|IDd from photos
| El Lobo
| [[41-39362]]
| [[669th Bombardment Squadron]]
| [[416th Bombardment Group]]
| IDd from photos.
| Empty Saddle
| [[44-34230]]
| Korea
| [[8th Bombardment Squadron]], [[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
| [[3rd Bombardment Group]]
| ID from photos
| Eva Mae
| [[43-22321]]
| ID from Photo.
|Feeding Frenzy
|ID from photos
|Filthy J. McNasty
|Name from photo
| Fire Kat
| [[43-22653]]
| Modern
| N/A
| [[Airspray]]
| ID From photos
|The First Team
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo and unit history
|Flat Top
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from unit historical association
|Florida Flyer
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo and unit history
|Fly by Night - Sweet Adeline
|[[731st Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|IDd from photos and unit history
|The Flying Irishman
|[[729th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from photos and unit history
| For Pete's Sake
| [[43-22330]]
| [[416th Bombardment Group]]
| ID from photos.
|Garden State Express
|Name from photo
|Gator Invader
|IDd from Photo
|Georgia Invader
|Name from photo
|Gene's Machine
|[[729th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from Unit historical association
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo and unit history
|Ginnny Sue
|ID from Photo taken at "The Air Museum" in China, CA.
|The Golden Bear
|[[17th Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from photo
|Grim Reaper
|IDd from photos
| Guns for Hire
| [[41-39359]]
| Modern
| N/A
| N/A
| IDd from photos.
|Hard to Get
|IDd from photos
| Hasta Luego
| [[44-34523]]
| Modern
| N/A
| [[Airspray]]
| ID from photos and FAA records.
|Hells Belle
||[[728th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from Photos and unit history
|Hollywood Hangover
|ID from photos and accident report
|Holy Smoke
|IDd from photos
| Honey Bucket
| [[41-39360]]
| Korea
| [[17th Bombardment Wing]]
| IDd from Photos
|Honey Bunch III
|[[319th Bombardment Group]]
|IDd from photos
|Hot to Trot
|[[8th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo and unit history
|ID from photos.
|The Hustler
|IDd from photos
|I Have Returned
|[[729th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from Unit historical association
|If'n ah sez out, ah means out
|IDd from photos
| Initiator V
| [[44-34713]]
| Modern
| N/A
| N/A
| ID from photos and FAA records.
| Intimate Invader
| [[44-34526]]
| Modern
| N/A
| N/A
| ID From photo and FAA records.
| Invader
| [[41-39359]]
| Modern
| N/A
| N/A
| IDd from Photos.
|IDd from photos
|IDd from photos
|Irene Marie
|[[95th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[17th Bombardment Wing]]
|Named by pilot Richard "Dick" Mullenski, for his wife. Name from pilot's son, Frank Mullenski.
|Iron Project
|[[319th Bombardment Group]]
|ID from Photo
| Jenny
| [[43-22282]]
| IDd from photos
| Jerry Ann
| [[41-39188]]
| Photo shows Jerry Ann, Serial Number ID from historical association website.
|Jersey Bounce
|[[8th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|IDd from photos and Squadron history
|[[416th Bombardment Group]]
|IDd from photo
| Joanie
| [[44-35439]]
| Korea
| [[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
| [[3rd Bombardment Group]]
| ID from Photo.
| Josie
| [[41-39239]]
| [[416th Bombardment Group]]
| Opposite side of "Oklahoma Outlaw". Josie was the wife of crew member Roger Roy, from his son, Steven Roy.
|[[730th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from photos and Squadron Historical association
| Kiwi Boid
| [[43-22418]]
| [[554th Bombardment Squadron]]
| [[386th Bombardment Group]]
| ID from photos.
|KTTV Channel 11
||[[729th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from Photos and unit history
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo and unit history
|Lady Bertie / We Dood It IV
|[[8th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|IDd from Photos
|Lady June
|ID from photo.
| Lady Liberty
| [[41-39230]]
| Modern
| N/A
| N/A
| ID'd from photos.
|Lady Marc
|ID from photo
| (Green)
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|IDd from photo. The green propeller hub IDs the squadron.
|Lethal Lady
|[[8th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|IDd from photos and squadron history
|Lil Sal
|Name from photo
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo and unit history
|Little Debbie
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from unit historical association
|Little Miss Joan
|Name from photo
|Little Sheba
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo and unit history
| Lizzie II
| [[44-34334]]
| Korea
| [[729th Bombardment Squadron]]
| ID from Photo.
| Lonesome Polecat
| Korea
| [[363rd Tactical Reconnaissance Wing]]
| Name from photo.
|Los Angeles City Limits
|[[8th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo and unit history
| The Lost Invader
| [[43-22660]]
| Modern
| [[Airspray]]
| ID From photos
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo and unit history
|LSMFT (Loaded Spare, Might Fly Tonight)
|[[37th Bombardment Squadron]]
|ID from photos
| Lucky Jack
| [[44-35857]]
| Modern
| N/A
| [[Airspray]]
| ID from photo and FAA records
| Lucky Louise
| [[43-22306]]
| Korea
| [[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
| [[3rd Bomardment Group]]
| ID from Photo and 13th Bomb Squadron historical association.
| Lucky Skipper
| [[43-22570]]
| Korea
| Unknown
| Unknown
| ID from photo
| Lulu
| [[44-34520]]
| Modern
| N/A
| N/A
| ID from photo and FAA Records.
|Maggie's Drawers
|[[671st Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[416th Bombardment Group]]
|IDd from photos and unit history.
|Magnet Ass
|[[609th Special Operations Squadron]]
|ID from Photo
|Maiden's Delight
|[[729th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from photos and Squadron Historical association
|Maiden USA
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo and unit history
|ID from Photos
|Marian B
|IDd from Photos and unit history
|Marilyn Monroe
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from unit historical association
|Name from photo
|Martha Ann
|[[8th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bomabardment Group]]
|ID from an illustration in a russian book. Have not seen an actual photo, but presumably one exists. This ID should be treated as tenuous until confirmation can be made.
| Maryland Lady
| [[43-22334]]
| [[416th Bombardment Group]]
| ID from photo
|Mattress Mary
|Name from photo
|Maxiumum Effort
|[[730th Bombardment Squadron]]
|ID from photo
|Midnight Endeavor
|Name from photo
|Midnight Rendezvous
|[[8th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|IDd from photos and Squadron history
|Mighty Mad
|[[319th Bombardment Group]]
|IDd from Photos. One image purports this to be part of the 8th Attack Sqd, but two others show it was part of the 319th BG.
|Mighty Mouse
|IDd from Photo
| Million Airess
| [[41-39359]]
| Modern
| N/A
| N/A
| IDd from photos.
| Mischeivous Miggs
| [[41-39194]]
| [[647th Bombardment Squadron]]
| [[410th Bombardment Group]]
| ID'd from Photo.
| Miss (illegible illegible)
| [[44-34526]]
| Modern
| N/A
| N/A
| ID from photos and FAA Records.
|Miss Carol
|Name from photo
|Miss Fit
|[[731st Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|IDd from photos and unit history
|Miss Lace
|IDd from photo
|Miss Laid
|[[416th Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo. Almost certainly named for an A-20G-25-DO (43-9224) named "Miss Laid". The A-20 Havoc was the first A-20 Havoc to complete 100 missions without a failure or abort, was renamed "La France Libre" to participate in a ceremony in Paris honoring the accomplishment.
| Miss Liberty
| [[41-39161]]
| Modern
| N/A
| N/A
| ID'd from photos.
|Miss Ma Nookie
|Name from image. This is a different plane than Miss Mi-Nookie.
|Miss Maggie
|Name from photo
|Miss Mi-Nookie
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photos
|Miss Minookie II
|Name form Photo. 95% sure of the serial number from the photo.
| Miss Mildred
| [[ ]]
| IDd from Photos
|Miss Murphy
|IDd from Photos and FAA records
|Miss M(illegible)
|[[95th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[17th Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from photos and unit history
|Miss Nancy Jo
|[[728th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from Unit historical association
| Miss Red Deer
| [[44-35444]]
| Modern
| N/A
| [[Airspray]]
| ID from photo and FAA records.
|Miss Sandy
|[[729th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from Unit historical association
|Miss Used
|[[730th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from unit photos and unit history
|Mission Completed
|[[386th Bombardment Group]]
|ID based on a drawing of this plane and unit history.
| Mojave Kid
| [[41-39596]]
| Modern
| N/A
| N/A
| IDd from photos. Was a race plane.
|[[8th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photos
| Monie
| [[44-34517]]
| Korea
| [[17th Bombardment Wing]]
| ID from photos.
|Mrs Dottie
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photos and squadron history
| Mrs. Myk
| Korea
| [[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
| [[3rd Bombardment Group]]
| ID from photos.
|IDd from photo
|My Akinazz
||[[730th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from Photos and unit history
| My Baby
| [[44-34686]]
| Korea
| ID from photos and personal account TSgt Jim Van Bogart (Gunner).
|My Belle
|ID from photo
| My Bonnie
| [[43-22528]]
| ID from photos and historical records
|My Darling June
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo and unit history
|My Helen
|[[95th Bombardment Squadron]]
|ID from photo and account of pilot, Walsh.
|My Margie
|[[8th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
| Double check against below
|My Margie
|[[8th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bomabardment Group]]
|IDd from photo
|My Mary Lou
|ID from photos and crew chief Bill Young
| My (illegible)
| [[44-34591]]
| Korea
| [[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
| [[3rd Bombardment Group]]
| IDd from photo
|Myassisa Dragon
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo of Cpt. Quesnell by his plane and cross-reference of KORWALD.
|[[95th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[17th Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from Photo. C-model.
|[[8th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo and unit history
|Nebba Hatchi
|Photo of nose. reportedly from 3rd Bomb Group
|Needith Edith II
|[[728th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from Unit historical association
|Neva Hoppen
|[[728th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Group]]
|IDd from photos
|Night Mission
|[[8th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from cross referencing photo, serial number list, and KORWALD.
|IDd from photos
|No Sweat
|[[34th Bombardment Squadron]]
|ID from photo.
|Noop Gnat II
|[[731st Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|IDd from photos and unit history
| Oklahoma Outlaw
| [[41-39239]]
| [[416th Bombardment Group]]
| ID'd from Photo.
|Old's 88
||[[729th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from Photos and unit history
|Omar Khayyam's
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo. Note: this may also be another name. Omar's visage on the navigator side.
|The Osaka Stage
|[[90th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo and personal account of pilot, Cpt. Del Gosser
|Our Leading Lady
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from photos
| Pagliacci
| [[43-22607]]
| IDd from photo
| Panhandler's Pride
| [[41-39230]]
| Modern
| N/A
| N/A
| ID'd from photos.
| Pappy
| [[43-22275]]
| Modern
| N/A
| N/A
| ID from photo. Le Tourneau plane.
|Pasadena Pistol Packer
||[[729th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from unit history
|Pasadena Pistol Packer II
||[[729th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from Photos and unit history
|Passionate Mountaineer
|Name from photo.
|[[670th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[319th Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo and unit history
| Phoenix Thunderbird
| [[43-22313]]
| [[416th Bombardment Group]]
| IDd from photos.
| Pirate (?)
| [[41-39204]]
| [[386th Bombardment Group]]
| ID'd from photo. The nose depicts a pirate, but no words are visible.
|P.O.I. (Piss On It)
|[[34th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[17th Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from photos
| The Point
| [[43-22343]]
| Korea
| [[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
| [[3rd Bomardment Group]]
| ID from Photo and 13th Bomb Squadron historical association.
|Pop Gun Pete
|[[729th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Group]]
|IDd from photos and unit history
|Pretti Patty
|ID from photos and FAA records
|Pretty Barbara Lee
|Name from photo
|Princess Pud
|[[344th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[319th Bombardment Group]]
|IDd from Photos
| Purple Shaft
| [[43-22484]]
| ID from Photos
|Puss and Boots
|ID from photos
| Question Mark
| [[43-22386]]
| Korea
| [[8th Bombardment Squadron]]
| [[3rd Bombardment Group]]
| ID from photo. This question mark is on the tail.
| Question Mark
| [[44-34532]]
| Korea
| [[90th Bombardment Squadron]]
| [[3rd Bombardment Group]]
| ID from photo. This question mark is on the nose.
| Rat Poison, Jr.
| [[43-22312]]
| [[386th Bombardment Group]]
| ID from photo.
|[[8th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo and unit history
|[[416th Bombardment Group]]
|ID from unit history. Plane flown by Lt. Michael A. Zubon.
|The Redbird
| [[41-39401]]
| Korea
| [[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
| [[3rd Bombardment Group]]
| IDd from Phtotos.
|Reddy and Willin
|[[8th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo and unit history
| Reida Rae
| [[43-22499]]
| ID from photos.
| Reynold's Bombshell
|ID from photos and FAA records
|Rice Paddy Wagon
|[[17th Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from photos
| Rickey Tick- II
| [[43-22498]]
| ID from photo
|IDd from Photos. Taken at Yokota AB.
|Rude Invader
|IDd from photos
| Rugged Ruthie
| [[]]
| Korea
| [[67th Tactical Reconnaisance Wing]]
| Photo of Nose, no SN visisble. Unit ID from background plane.
|Ruthie J
|[[416th Bombardment Group]]
|ID from unit history
|Sad Saki
|[[729th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from Unit historical association
|Sad Saki II
|[[729th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from Unit historical association
| Safe Passage
| [[44-35497]]
| Modern
| N/A
| [[Airspray]]
| ID from photos and FAA records
| The Saint
| [[43-22636]]
| [[856th Bombardment Squadron]]
| [[492nd Bombardment Group]]
| IDd from Photos.
|Santa Lui
|ID from Photo
|Satan's Courier
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo and unit history
|Scotch & Soda II
|[[729th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from Unit historical association
|Sexy Sue
|IDd from photo and FAA records
| Shack Time!!
| [[43-22260]]
| 127th Base Unit
| IDd from photo and accident report.
|Shit House Mouse
|Cuban Volunteer Group
|CIA Special Operations
|ID From Photo
|Shook Up Shark
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo and unit history
|Short Stuff
|Name from photo. Unknown plane
| The Silver Dragon
| [[44-34104]]
| Modern
| IDd from Photo
| Silver Fox
| [[44-35524]]
| Modern
| N/A
| [[Airspray]]
| ID from photos and FAA records.
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo and unit history
|[[729th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from Unit historical association
| Sky Chief
| [[43-22415]]
| [[555th Bombardment Squadron]]
| [[386th Bombardment Group]]
| ID from photos.
|[[11th Tactical Reconnaisance Squadron]]
|ID from photo
| Snow Queen
| [[44-34156]]
| Modern
| N/A
| N/A
| IDd from photo and FAA records
|Sophisticated Sherry
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo and unit history
|Spare Parts I
|ID from photo
| Spare Parts, Jr.
| [[43-22373]]
| [[386th Bombardment Group]]
| ID from photo.
|Special Kay
|IDd from photos
|Spirit of N.C.
|IDd from Photos
| Spirit of Waco
| [[41-39427]]
| Modern
| N/A
| N/A
| IDd from Photots.
|Stateside Dream
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo and unit history
|Sterile Carol - she'll never be a 'bomma'
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from photos and Unit History.
| Stinky
| [[43-22369]]
| [[552nd Bombardment Squadron]]
| [[386th Bombardment Group]]
| ID from photos.
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from 13th bomb squadron historical society
| Sugar Baby
| [[41-39274]]
| [[416th Bombardment Group]]
| ID'd from photos.
|Sugarland Express
|ID from photos
|Sweet Bettie
|[[8th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo and unit history
|Sweet Eloise II
|[[730th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from photos and Squadron Historical association
|Sweet Miss Lillian
|IDd from Photos. Dressed as a the 13th Bomb Squadron plane, but I've only seen modern pictures of it. The 13th BS Hx Asc has no record of this plane with their unit.
| Sweet Pete
| [[44-34282]]
| [[319th Bombardment Group]]
| IDd from photos and accident report.
|Sweet Sue
|Name from photo
|Sweet Therese
|IDd from photo
|Sweet Vivian
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from unit historical association
| Sylvia
| [[43-22342]]
| Korea
| [[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
| [[3rd Bomardment Group]]
| ID from Photo and 13th Bomb Squadron historical association.
|The Texas Kid
|[[416th Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo
|Texas Special
|[[8th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|IDd from photos
|This is it
|[[17th Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from photo and historical records. Plane of 17BW CO, Col. Gordon Timmons
|[[8th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo and unit history
|Tokyo Traveller
|Name from photo. Reported to be Okinawa, 1945, but the paint scheme suggests 3rd Bomb Group.
| Tom Swift's Flying Machine
| [[43-22354]]
| [[416th Bombardment Group]]
| ID From photos.
|[[8th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo and unit history
|[[416th Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photo. Photo from Cpt. Cachat's collection identifies this as the plane of Lt. Leo Poundstone and is dated Apr 7, 1945. No missions were flown on April 7th. Poundstone did not fly any missions between Apr 7th and Apr 24th. He flew 5 additional mission between Apr 24th and the end of the war. Those missions were flown in 4 different planes. There is no indication that Touchdown was Poundstone's plane as he didn't seem to have a permanently assigned plane. The photo may have been taken prior to the 7th and dated later.
| Trail of '98
| [[44-34778]]
| Modern
| N/A
| [[Airspray]]
| ID From photo and FAA records.
|The Unloved
|[[8th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from photos and unit history
| Valiant Valerie
| [[44-34117]]
| Korea
| IDd from Photo. Wearing a Korean-era paint scheme, but photo taken at Mitchell AFB in 1958.
| Vegas Vixen
| [[41-39230]]
| Modern
| N/A
| N/A
| ID'd from Photos.
| Versatile Lady
| [[44-34287]]
| Korea
| [[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
| [[3rd Bombardment Group]]
| IDd from photos
|Vivian Girl
|ID from Photos and personal account of Ric Lyden
|The Waiting Lady
|Name from photo
| We Go Pogo
| [[]]
| Korea
| [[8th Bombardment Squadron]]
| [[3rd Bombardment Group]]
| ID from Photo. A Pathfinder variant with Mc On the tail. Often gets confused for Redbird [[41-39401]], which also had Mc on the tail, but belonged the 8th's sister squadron.
|The Wench
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from unit historical association
|What Shebolians
|[[17th Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from Photos
|The Wheel
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|IDd from Photos
| The Wheel
| [[44-34687]]
| Korea
| [[8th Bombardment Squadron]]
| [[3rd Bombardment Group]]
| ID from photo.
| The Wheel
| [[44-34698]]
| Korea
| [[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
| [[3rd Bombardment Group]]
| ID from photo.
| Whistler's Mother
| [[41-39401]]
| Modern
| N/A
| N/A
| ID from photo.
|White Mule
|[[416th Bombardment Group]]
|IDd from photo
| Wideroe's Flyveselskap
| [[44-35425]]
| Modern
| N/A
| N/A
| ID from Photo and FAA records. I have no idea what the name means. Google Translate seems to think it's Norwegian.
|Wild Thang
|ID from photos
|Wildcat Willie
|[[13th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|ID from unit historical association
| Wingless Wonder II
| [[44-34137]]
| Korea
| ID from photos.
| Winnemac Werewolf
| [[43-22501]]
| [[416th Bombardment Group]] 
| ID from photos.
| (Illegible Illegible)
| [[44-34136]]
| Unknown
| Serial number is legible, but I cannot make out what is on the nose. The plane is painted in the colors of the 386th Bomb Group, but it's not clear if this is a contemporary paint job or a reproduction.
|Yer Ol Dad
|[[728th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from Unit historical association
|Yer Ol Dad II
|[[728th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from Unit historical association
|Yer Ol Dad III
|[[728th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[452nd Bombardment Wing]]
|ID from Unit historical association
|From Photo
|From photo. Can't make out what the nose says. Starts with a "C"
|[[8th Bombardment Squadron]]
|[[3rd Bombardment Group]]
|IDd from photo
| The (illegible)
| [[44-34141]]
| Korea
| [[Michigan ANG]]
| IDd from photo. Can't make out what's on the nose. 
|Image from nose. From the Miho AB.
|Image from photo.

*'''Georgia Invader''' - unk.
*'''Grim Reaper''' - [[44-35617]] - IMG
*'''Hard to Get''' - [[44-35710]]
*'''The Hustler''' - [[44-35870]]
*'''Invader''' - [[44-35721]]
*'''Lady Liberty''' - [[41-39230]]
*'''Lucky Jack''' - [[44-35857]]
*'''Lulu''' - [[44-34520]]
*'''Mission Completed''' - [[44-34765]]
*'''My Mary Lou''' - [[44-39696]]
*'''Puss in Boots''' - [[44-34749]]
*'''Reida Rae''' - [[43-22499]]
*'''Rude Invader''' - [[44-35752]]
*'''Sexy Sue''' - [[44-35562]]
*'''Silver Dragon''' - [[44-34104]]
*'''Snow Queen''' - [[44-34156]]
*'''Special Kay''' - [[64-17679]]
*'''Spirit of North Carolina''' - [[44-35911]]
*'''Spirit of Waco''' - [[41-39427]]
*'''Sugarland Express''' - [[44-34602]]
*'''Vegas Vixen''' - [[41-39230]]
*'''Whistler's Mother''' - [[41-39401]]
==Historical Planes from Combat Theaters==
After each name is a code which indicates how the ID was made. IMG means that we have an image or photo showing the nose of the plane with identifying marks. PH is a Personal History. This could be a picture of the pilot by the nose with other notes accompanying it. HX is historical records, either from a bomb squadron historical association or from a historical article in a magazine, a repair roster, etc. EL is process of elimination. In some cases only a partial serial number can be seen. We can narrow it down to a couple of planes and then determining where each was at a given time will help us make a positive ID.
*'''3 Ball''' - [[44-35522]]
*'''Ahaulin''' - Unk. 13BS. Korea
*'''Apple Valley Boomerang''' - [[44-34655]]
*'''At Ease''' - [[44-34562]]
*'''Baby Alan''' - [[41-39234]]
*'''Beautiful Katey''' - Unk. 386BS/409BG. Plane C. #2 on nose. Lt. Tom Farr
*'''Beruie I''' - [[41-39261]] - HX
*'''Betty''' - [[44-34380]]
*'''The Big Black Noop Gnat''' - [[44-35941]]
*'''Big Chief''' - [[41-39362]] - IMG
*'''Big Chief''' - [[44-34221]]
*'''The Big O''' - [[44-34098]]
*'''Billie II''' - 8BS Korea
*'''The Black Bitch''' - [[44-34713]]
*'''Black Jack''' - [[44-35978]]
*'''Black Widow''' - 37BS/17BG. Pusan. 1953
*'''Boopsie''' - 729BS. Korea. Lt. Ray Marzullo. 
*'''Bostonians Express''' - Unk. Korea
*'''Boysan''' - [[44-34374]]
*'''Brown Nose''' - [[44-34552]]
*'''Buddy''' - [[43-22356]]
*'''Bugs''' - [[43-22495]]
*'''Bula''' - [[43-22385]]
*'''Burke II''' - Unknown Number -416th Bomb Group
*'''Bye Bye Bluebird''' - 8BS. Korea. 1953. 1Lt. Donald Mansfield. flew last mission of Korean War.
*'''Captain Mac''' - [[44-34573]]
*'''Carrot Top''' - [[41-39264]] - IMG
*'''Cats?? No name''' - Pusan East. 1953. 
*'''Cat Girl''' - Unk. 13Bs Korea. 
*'''Cecil Mickey''' - 13BS Korea. Either [[44-35892]] or [[44-35361]]
*'''5th Chadwick''' - [[44-34405]]
*'''6th Chadwick (AKA: Stateside Dream)''' - [[44-34364]]
*'''7th Chadwick''' - [[44-34698]]
*'''Cherry Crew''' - [[44-35909]]
*'''Chili Lilli''' - [[44-34562]]  
*'''City of Santa Rosa''' - [[44-34324]]
*'''Col. Brady's Dixie Special''' - [[44-34737]]
*'''Cotton''' - Unk. 1st. Lt. G. W. Peterson
*'''Cough Drop Special''' - [[44-35682]]
*'''Cyclone II''' - [[44-35661]] 
*'''Daddy's Girl''' - [[44-34571]]
*'''Dark Eyes''' - [[44-35671]]
*'''Deborah's Dad''' - [[44-35700]]
*'''Denver Darling''' - [[43-22307]] - IMG
*'''Devil Cat''' - [[44-35777]]
*'''Dinah Might''' - [[43-22498]]
*'''Disagreeable 4''' - [[43-22490]]
*'''Dorris Ann''' - [[43-22381]]
*'''Dorris Lee''' - [[43-22498]]
*'''Dot''' - [[44-34300]]
*'''Dottie''' - Unk. 319 BG
*'''Dottie Mae''' - [[41-39250]]
*'''Dream Girl''' - [[44-35733]]
*'''El Lobo''' - [[41-39362]] - HX
*'''Empty Saddle''' - [[44-34230]]
*'''Eva Mae''' - [[43-22321]] - IMG
*'''Filthy J. McNasty''' - Unk. Korea
*'''The First Team''' - 13BS. 1952. Korea. Cpt. Donald Soefkler
*'''For Pete's Sake''' - [[43-22330]] - IMG
*'''Fly By Night''' - [[44-35940]]
*'''The Flying Irishman''' - 729BS/452BG. Pusan 1951
*'''Gator Invader''' - [[44-3469]]
*'''Gene's Machine''' - [[44-34547]]
*'''Geraldine''' - Unk. Korea
*'''Geraldine''' - 13BS. Korea (differnt than above). 
*'''The Golden Bear''' - [[44-34700]]
*'''Hell's Belle''' - [[44-34656]]
*'''Hollywood Hangover''' - [[44-34553]]
*'''Hollywood Hangover''' - Unk. 728BS. korea. 
*'''Honey Bunch III''' - [[44-34226]]
*'''I Have Returned''' - [[44-34547]]
*'''Involuntary''' - [[44-35958]]
*'''Iron Project''' - [[44-35281]]  
*'''Jenny''' - [[43-22282]] - IMG
*'''Jerry Ann''' - [[41-39188]] - HX
*'''Jersey Bounce''' - [[44-34317]]
*'''Jiggs''' - Unknown Number -416th Bomb Group
*'''Junio''' - [[44-34313]]
*'''Kiwi Boid''' - [[43-22418]]
*'''KTTV Channel 11''' - [[44-34571]]  
*'''Lady''' - unk. 13BS Korea. May also be another plane. Image is on Navigator side.
*'''Lady Bertie''' - [[44-34277]]
*'''Lady June''' - Unk. Korea. 
*'''Lady Marc''' - [[43-22363]]
*'''Laverne''' - Unk. 452BW. 1951. 
*'''Lethal Lady''' - [[44-34281]]
*'''Lil-Nell''' - Maybe 44-34311? There is a photo a model of this plane depeicted as such, but no details.
*'''Linda''' - 3BW. Korea
*'''Little Debbie''' - 13BS. Cpt. S....a
*'''Little Miss Joan''' - Unk. Korea
*'''Little Miss Joan''' - Unk. Korea
*'''Little Sheba''' - [[44-35361]] 
*'''Lizzie II''' - [[44-34334]]
*'''Los Angeles City Limits''' - 8BS. Korea.
*'''Louise''' - Unk. 13BS Korea. 
*'''LSMFT' (Loaded Spare, Might Fly Tonight)''' - 37BS. 1953. 
*'''Lucky Louise''' - [[43-22306]] - HX
*'''Maiden USA (AKA: Old Able)''' - [[44-34372]]
*'''Maiden's Delight''' - [[44-34366]]
*'''Maggie's Drawers''' - A-26B. Unknown Number. I have also seen it on a P-51 (42-106485), a B-17 (42-31776), and a B-24. This is a military slang term used to mean a red flag that indicates a bomb miss in target practice.  -416th Bomb Group
*'''Mar-Jim''' - [[44-34340]]
*'''Margie''' - [[44-34520]]
*'''Marian B''' - [[44-34520]]
*'''Martha''' - Unk. korea
*'''Martha Ann''' - [[44-35345]]
*'''Maryland Mary''' - [[43-22334]] - IMG
*'''Mattress Mary''' - Unk. Korea
*'''Maximum Effort''' - 730BS. Korea. 
*'''Midnight Rendezvous''' - [[44-34322]]
*'''Mighty Mad''' - Unk. 319. BG
*'''Mischievious Miggs''' - [[41-39194]] - IMG
*'''Miss Carol''' - Unk. Korea
*'''Miss Fitt''' - [[44-35985]]
*'''Miss Laid''' - [[41-39224]]. Almost certainly named for an A-20G-25-DO (43-9224) named "Miss Laid". The A-20 Havoc was the first A-20 Havoc to complete 100 missions without a failure or abort, was renamed "La France Libre" to participate in a ceremony in Paris honoring the accomplishment. -416th Bomb Group
*'''Miss Lace''' - Unk. CBI Theater
*'''Miss Ma Nookie''' - 8BS. 1953. Korea
*'''Miss Maggie''' - Unk. Korea
*'''Miss Mi-Nookie''' - [[44-34569]]
*'''Miss Mildred''' - Unk. 670BS. Lt. Edward Bishop
*'''Miss Mildred''' - [[41-39205]]
*'''Miss Murphy''' - [[44-35601]]
*'''Miss Nancy Jo''' - [[44-34582]]
*'''Miss Sandy''' - [[44-35783]]
*'''Miss Used''' - [[44-34698]]
*'''Monie''' - [[44-34517]]
*'''Moonshine''' - [[44-34531]]
*'''Mrs. Dottie''' - [[44-34371]]
*'''Mrs. Myk''' - [[44-34317]]
*'''My Belle''' -  [[44-34571]]
*'''My Bonnie''' - [[43-22528]]
*'''My Darling June''' - 13Bs. Korea. Pilot Al Kosciuzko
*'''My Helen''' - Unk. 95BS. Korea. Walsh. 
*'''My Margie''' - [[44-35520]]
*'''My Mary Lou'' - [[44-35696]]
*'''Myakinazz''' - [[44-34683]]
*'''Natalie''' - 8BS Korea
*'''Nebba Hatchi''' - 3BW
*'''Needith Edith II''' - [[44-34345]]
*'''Neva' Hoppen''' - [[44-35767]]
*'''Nightmare''' - [[44-35590]]
*'''No Sweat''' - 34Bs. 1952. KOREA
*'''Noop Gnat II''' - [[44-35939]]
*'''Oklahoma Outlaw''' - [[41-39239]] - IMG
*'''Old's 88''' - [[44-34563]]
*'''Omar Khayyam's''' - 13BS. Korea. Note: this may also be another name. Omar's visage on the navigator side.
*'''The Osaka Stage''' - 90BS. 1951. Cpt. Del Gosser
*'''Our Leading Lady''' - 452nd BW. 1951 korea.
*'''Pagliacci''' - [[43-22604]]
*'''Pasadena Pistol Packer''' - [[44-34678]]
*'''Pasadena Pistol Packer II''' - [[44-34580]]
*'''Passionate Mountaineer''' - Unk. Korea. 1953
*'''Peggy''' - 670BS/416 BG. Unk.
*'''Phoenix Thunderbird''' - [[43-22313]] - IMG
*'''Pirate?? No name''' - [[41-39204] - IMG
*'''Piss On It''' - 34BS/17BW. Korea. 1953
*'''The Point''' - [[43-22343]]
*'''Pop Gun Pete''' - [[44-35915]]
*'''Pretty Patti''' - [[44-34766]]
*'''Princess Pud''' - [[44-34272]]
*'''The Purple Shaft''' - [[43-22484]]
*'''Question Mark''' - [[44-34532]]
*'''Rat Poison, Jr.''' - [[43-22312]] - IMG
*'''Rebel''' -8BS Korea
*'''Redbird''' - Lt. Michael A. Zubon  -416th Bomb Group
*'''The Redbird''' - [[41-39401]](different from above entry)
*'''Reddy an Willin''' - [[44-34704]]
*'''Reida Rae''' - [[43-22499]]
*'''Rice Paddy Wagon''' - [[44-35219]]
*'''Rickey Tick II''' - [[43-22498]]
*'''Roadrunner''' - Unk. 319 BG
*'''Rugged Ruthie''' - Unk. RB plane. korea
*'''Rush's Renegades Hot to Trot''' - Unk. 8BS. korea
*'''Ruthie J''' - A-26B. Unknown Number -416th Bomb Group
*'''Sad Saki''' - [[44-34705]]
*'''Sad Saki II''' - [[44-34303]]
*'''Santa Lui''' - [[41-39198]]
*'''Satan's Courier''' - 13BS. Korea
*'''Scotch & Soda II"" - [[44-34572]]
*'''Shack Time!!''' - [[43-22260]] - IMG
*'''Shook Up Shark''' - 13BS. Interwar
*'''Short Stufff''' - 319BG. 
*'''Silver Dragon''' - [[44-34104]]
*'''Skeezix''' - 13BS Korea
*'''Skippy''' - [[44-34630]]
*'''Sky Cheif''' - [[43-22415]]
*'''Snooper''' - Unk. RB26. Clark AB. 1957
*'''Sophisticated Sherry''' - 13BS. Unk
*'''Spare Parts I''' - [[41-39345]]
*'''Spare Parts, Jr''' - [[43-22373]]
*'''Sterile Carol''' - [[44-34344]]
*'''Stinky''' - [[43-22369]]
*'''Sugar Baby''' - [[41-39274]] - HX
*'''Sweet Bettie''' - 8BS Korea. B-tail
*'''Sweet Eloise II''' - [[44-34313]]  
*'''Sweet Miss Lillian''' - [[44-35224]]
*'''Sweet Pete''' - [[44-34282]]
*'''Sylvia''' - [[43-22342]] - HX
*'''The Texas Kid''' - A-26B. Unknown Number -416th Bomb Group
*'''Texas Special''' - [[44-34312]]
*'''This is It''' - 17BW CO Plane. Col. Gordon Timmons. 1953
*'''TOC-SAN''' - unk. 8BS. Korea
*'''Tokoyo Traveller''' - 3BG. Okinawa 1945. 
*'''Tom Swift's Flying Machine''' - [[43-22354]]
*'''Touchdown''' - Unknown number. Photo from Cpt. Cachat's collection identifies this as the plane of Lt. Leo Poundstone and is dated Apr 7, 1945. No missions were flown on April 7th. Poundstone did not fly any missions between Apr 7th and Apr 24th. He flew 5 additional mission between Apr 24th and the end of the war. Those missions were flown in 4 different planes. There is no indication that Touchdown was Poundstone's plane as he didn't seem to have a permanently assigned plane. -416th Bomb Group
*'''Torchy''' - Unk. 8BS. Korea
*'''The Unloved''' - [[44-34527]]
*'''Valiant Valerie''' - [[44-34117]]
*'''Versatile Lady''' - [[44-34287]]
*'''Vivian Girl''' - [[44-34337]]
*'''We Go Pogo'' - One of the 4 IR planes. Korea 
*'''The Wench''' - Unk. Korea
*'''What Shebolians" - Unk. 17BW. korea
*'''White Mule''' - Unk. 416BG. 
*'''Winamac Werewolf''' - [[43-22501]]
*'''Yellow Peril''' - [[44-35966]]
*'''Yer' Old Dad''' - [[44-34703]]
*'''Yer' Old Dad II''' - [[44-34511]]
*'''Yer' Old Dad III''' - [[44-34493]]

Latest revision as of 22:32, 9 July 2021

I've completely reworked this page to make it more useful. The whole table is sortable by any column. If you want to see all of the named planes within a particular squadron, sort the table by the squadron column and it will bunch them together. If you want to see the list numerically, sort by serial number. By default they are listed alphabetically.

The list does include names that I have not yet IDd, as well as notes and comments about how the ID was made. Sometimes the entire plane is visible, so that makes it easy. Other times, I have to cross-reference several documents. Not that the table will also say "FAA records" - this doesn't always mean literally the US Federal Aviation Administration. I'm using it here as a generic term to term to mean the aviation records of whatever country the plane is in.

The "Era" column shows different entries - WWII (for military planes from 1944-1950), Korea (1951-1955), and Vietnam. Modern is listed for any civilian plane, regardless of year. So, Reynolds Bombshell, which flew in 1947 and was a WWII contemporary, would still be listed as "Modern" due her status as a civilian plane.

Please note: Some planes have more than one name, so if you sort by serial number and see multiple entries for the same plane, that is not necessarily an error.

If you know of any named planes that we have missed, please let us know.

Name Serial # Period Squadron Group/Wing Comments
3 Ball 44-35522 Korea Michigan ANG IDd from photo
The 5th Chadwick 44-34405 WWII 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photos
The 6th Chadwick 44-34364 Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photos
The 7th Chadwick 44-34698 Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo.
8 ball 44-34738 Modern N/A Airspray ID from photos and FAA records.
Ahaulin 44-35323 Modern ID from photo. Was at Planes of Fame museum before it was redressed. If memory serves, the original Ahaulin was abandoned and scrapped in Korea, need to double check this.
Ahaulin Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo and unit history. May be the same as above, need to double check.
Apple Valley Boomerang 44-34655 Korea 729th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from Unit historical association
Arabella 44-34254 WWII 319th Bombardment Group IDd from photos
Ariazonas 44-34766 Modern N/A Paramount ID from photos and FAA Records. Name is best guess based on image enhancement.
At Ease 44-34562 Korea 728th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from Unit historical association
Baby Alan 41-39234 WWII 409th Bombardment Group plane ID' from photo of landing accident.
The Bacardi Bomber 44-35918 Foreign IDd from unit history
Bandido 44-35911 Modern IDd from photos and FAA records
Bar-Belle Bomber 44-35562 Modern IDd from photo and FAA records
Beautiful Katey WWII 409th Bombardment Group IDd from photo. Plane "C" within squadron. Pilot is Lt. Tom Farr.
Betty 44-34380 WWII 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from Photo and unit history
Beruie I 41-39361 WWII 416th Bombardment Group ID from photos of Crew Chief, TSgt R. Dullnig.
Big Chief 41-39362 Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group IDd from Photos.
Big Chief 44-34221 Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from Photo and personal account of John Horne.
The Big O, The Terrible Swede 44-34098 Korea 8th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group IDd from photo.
Billie II Korea 8th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo and unit history
The Black Bitch 44-34713 Korea 730th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from Unit historical association
Black Jack 44-35978 ID from photo
The Black Noop Gnat 44-35491 Korea ID from personal account by pilot's family and cross-refering KORWALD.
Black Panther 44-35966 Korea 731st Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group IDd from photos and unit history
Black Widow Korea 37th Bombardment Squadorn 17th Bombardment Wing IDd from photos.
Boopsie Korea 729th Bombardment Squadron IDd from Unit History. Pilot was Lt. Ray Marzullo.
Boot to the Ass 44-35788 Modern IDd from photos
Bostonians Express Korea ID from photo.
Boysan 44-34374 Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from unit historical association
Brown Nose 44-34552 Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron, 90th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photos and unit history
Buddy 43-22356 WWII 416th Bombardment Group ID from photo.
Bugs 43-22495 WWII ID from photo
Bugs 44-35948 Modern Airspray IDd from photos
Bugs II Korea Name from photo
Bula 43-22385 WWII 416th Bombardment Group ID from photo
Burke II WWII 416th Bombardment Group ID from photo
Bye Bye Bluebird Korea 8th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from historical records. Said to be the plane to drop the last bomb of the Korean War. Flown by 1st Lt. Donald Mansfield.
Cachita 64-17644 Congo (CIA) Cuban Volunteer Group CIA Special Operations ID From historical records
Captain Mac 44-34573 Korea 729th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from Unit historical association
Carol (illegible) 44-3566_ ID from photo. Cannot make out second word under "Carol", last digit of serial number is obscured. Attempting to cross-reference with accident reports to identify.
Carrot Top 41-39264 WWII 416th Bombardment Group ID'd by pilot name, Lt. (Paul) Parker (from Photo) and cross-referencing mission logs, as well as photo of complete plane.
Cat Girl Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo and unit history
Cats Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo and unit history
Cecil Mickey Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo and unit history
Cherry Crew 44-35909 Korea 728th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from Unit historical association
Chili Lilli 44-34562 Korea 729th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from Photos
City of Santa Rosa 44-34324 Korea 729th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from photos and Squadron Historical association
City of Santa Rosa 41-39303 Modern N/A N/A IDd from Photos. Not the same plane as the Korean war plane with that name.
Coastal Luck IV 44-34713 Modern N/A N/A ID from photos and FAA Records.
Coaster Rambler 41-39117 WWII Unknown 3rd Bombardment Group This is one of the Pacific Evalation Invaders assigned to the third. The name is probably right, based on the photo. It is unclear which squadron this plane was assigned to as the evaulation planes were used by multiple squadrons, but it was likely assigned to the 8th or 13th bomb squadron.
Col. Brady's Dixie Special 44-34737 Korea 8th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from Photo and Unit History
Colleen Riley I [[]] WWII 319th Bombardment Group Name from photo.
Cotton WWII Name from image. Roeder's book attributes this plane to 416th BG, but the nose says "1st Lt. G. W. Peterson", and 416BG had no such person. To be fair, I cannot rule out that this name might be entirely ficticious as I cannot easily locate any record matching this.
Cotton Jenny 44-35696 Modern IDd from photos and FAA records. Was a race plane.
Cough Drop Special 44-35682 Korea IDd from photo and pilot account
Cyclone II 44-35661 Korea 12th Tactical Reconnaisance Squadron ID from photo
Daddy's Girl 44-34571 Korea 729th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from Unit historical association
Daisy Mae 44-35643 Modern IDd from photos and FAA records
Dark Eyes 44-35671 Korea 12th Tactical Reconnaisance Squadron ID from photo and unit history
Deborah's Dad 44-35700 Korea 8th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo and unit history
Denver Darling 43-22307 WWII 416th Bombardment Group ID from photo
Devil Cat 44-35777 Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from unit historical association
Dinah Might 43-22498 WWII ID from Photo.
Disagreeable 4 43-22490 WWII 416th Bombardment Group ID from photo
Dixie D 44-34713 Korea ID from photo
Dolores 44-35541 Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from unit historical association
Doris Ann 43-22381 WWII 416th Bombardment Group ID from photo
Doris Lee 43-22498 WWII 416th Bombardment Group ID from photo and 416th records
Dot 44-34300 Korea 8th Bombardment Squadron, 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group IDd from photos and squadron historical associations
Dottie WWII 319th Bombardment Group ID from photo
Dottie Mae ID from photo
Double Trouble 43-22612 Modern N/A N/A IDd from photos
Dragon WWII 405th Bombardment Squadron 38th Bombardment Group Nose are from image. Don't remember where the unit ID came from. Reportedly from Okinawa, Jun 1945.
Dragon Lady 44-35456 Modern N/A Airspray ID from photos and FAA records.
Dream Girl 44-35733 Korea IDd from photos
El Lobo 41-39362 WWII 669th Bombardment Squadron 416th Bombardment Group IDd from photos.
Empty Saddle 44-34230 Korea 8th Bombardment Squadron, 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photos
Eva Mae 43-22321 WWII ID from Photo.
Feeding Frenzy 44-34538 Modern ID from photos
Filthy J. McNasty Korea Name from photo
Fire Kat 43-22653 Modern N/A Airspray ID From photos
The First Team Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo and unit history
Flat Top 43-22343 Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from unit historical association
Florida Flyer Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo and unit history
Fly by Night - Sweet Adeline 44-35940 Korea 731st Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group IDd from photos and unit history
The Flying Irishman Korea 729th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from photos and unit history
For Pete's Sake 43-22330 WWII 416th Bombardment Group ID from photos.
Garden State Express Korea Name from photo
Gator Invader 44-34769 Modern IDd from Photo
Georgia Invader Modern Name from photo
Gene's Machine 44-34547 Korea 729th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from Unit historical association
Geraldine Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo and unit history
Ginnny Sue 44-35323 Modern ID from Photo taken at "The Air Museum" in China, CA.
The Golden Bear 44-34700 Korea 17th Bombardment Wing ID from photo
Grim Reaper 44-35617 Modern IDd from photos
Guns for Hire 41-39359 Modern N/A N/A IDd from photos.
Hard to Get 44-35710 Modern IDd from photos
Hasta Luego 44-34523 Modern N/A Airspray ID from photos and FAA records.
Hells Belle 44-34656 Korea 728th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from Photos and unit history
Hollywood Hangover 44-34553 Korea ID from photos and accident report
Holy Smoke 44-35898 Modern Airspray IDd from photos
Honey Bucket 41-39360 Korea 17th Bombardment Wing IDd from Photos
Honey Bunch III 44-34226 WWII 319th Bombardment Group IDd from photos
Hot to Trot Korea 8th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo and unit history
Huntress 44-34766 Modern ID from photos.
The Hustler 44-35870 Modern IDd from photos
I Have Returned 44-34547 Korea 729th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from Unit historical association
If'n ah sez out, ah means out 44-35875 Modern Airspray IDd from photos
Initiator V 44-34713 Modern N/A N/A ID from photos and FAA records.
Intimate Invader 44-34526 Modern N/A N/A ID From photo and FAA records.
Invader 41-39359 Modern N/A N/A IDd from Photos.
Invader 44-35721 Modern IDd from photos
Involuntary 44-35958 Korea IDd from photos
Irene Marie Korea 95th Bombardment Squadron 17th Bombardment Wing Named by pilot Richard "Dick" Mullenski, for his wife. Name from pilot's son, Frank Mullenski.
Iron Project 44-35281 WWII 319th Bombardment Group ID from Photo
Jenny 43-22282 WWII IDd from photos
Jerry Ann 41-39188 WWII Photo shows Jerry Ann, Serial Number ID from historical association website.
Jersey Bounce 44-34317 Korea 8th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group IDd from photos and Squadron history
Jiggs WWII 416th Bombardment Group IDd from photo
Joanie 44-35439 Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from Photo.
Josie 41-39239 WWII 416th Bombardment Group Opposite side of "Oklahoma Outlaw". Josie was the wife of crew member Roger Roy, from his son, Steven Roy.
Junio 44-34313 Korea 730th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from photos and Squadron Historical association
Kiwi Boid 43-22418 WWII 554th Bombardment Squadron 386th Bombardment Group ID from photos.
KTTV Channel 11 44-34571 Korea 729th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from Photos and unit history
Lady Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo and unit history
Lady Bertie / We Dood It IV 44-34277 WWII 8th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group IDd from Photos
Lady June Korea ID from photo.
Lady Liberty 41-39230 Modern N/A N/A ID'd from photos.
Lady Marc WWII ID from photo
Laverne Korea (Green) 452nd Bombardment Wing IDd from photo. The green propeller hub IDs the squadron.
Lethal Lady 44-34281 WWII 8th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group IDd from photos and squadron history
Lil Sal Modern Name from photo
Linda Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo and unit history
Little Debbie 44-35541 Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from unit historical association
Little Miss Joan Korea Name from photo
Little Sheba Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo and unit history
Lizzie II 44-34334 Korea 729th Bombardment Squadron ID from Photo.
Lonesome Polecat Korea 363rd Tactical Reconnaissance Wing Name from photo.
Los Angeles City Limits Korea 8th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo and unit history
The Lost Invader 43-22660 Modern Airspray ID From photos
Louise Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo and unit history
LSMFT (Loaded Spare, Might Fly Tonight) Korea 37th Bombardment Squadron ID from photos
Lucky Jack 44-35857 Modern N/A Airspray ID from photo and FAA records
Lucky Louise 43-22306 Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bomardment Group ID from Photo and 13th Bomb Squadron historical association.
Lucky Skipper 43-22570 Korea Unknown Unknown ID from photo
Lulu 44-34520 Modern N/A N/A ID from photo and FAA Records.
Maggie's Drawers 41-39360 WWII 671st Bombardment Squadron 416th Bombardment Group IDd from photos and unit history.
Magnet Ass 64-17645] Vietnam 609th Special Operations Squadron ID from Photo
Maiden's Delight 44-34366 Korea 729th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from photos and Squadron Historical association
Maiden USA Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo and unit history
Mar-Jim 44-34340 Korea ID from Photos
Marian B 44-34520 Korea IDd from Photos and unit history
Marilyn Monroe 44-35590 Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from unit historical association
Martha Korea Name from photo
Martha Ann 44-35345 Korea 8th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bomabardment Group ID from an illustration in a russian book. Have not seen an actual photo, but presumably one exists. This ID should be treated as tenuous until confirmation can be made.
Maryland Lady 43-22334 WWII 416th Bombardment Group ID from photo
Mattress Mary Korea Name from photo
Maxiumum Effort Korea 730th Bombardment Squadron ID from photo
Midnight Endeavor Korea Name from photo
Midnight Rendezvous 44-34322 Korea 8th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group IDd from photos and Squadron history
Mighty Mad WWII 319th Bombardment Group IDd from Photos. One image purports this to be part of the 8th Attack Sqd, but two others show it was part of the 319th BG.
Mighty Mouse 64-17651 Vietnam IDd from Photo
Million Airess 41-39359 Modern N/A N/A IDd from photos.
Mischeivous Miggs 41-39194 WWII 647th Bombardment Squadron 410th Bombardment Group ID'd from Photo.
Miss (illegible illegible) 44-34526 Modern N/A N/A ID from photos and FAA Records.
Miss Carol Korea Name from photo
Miss Fit 44-35985 Korea 731st Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group IDd from photos and unit history
Miss Lace 44-34519 WWII IDd from photo
Miss Laid 41-39224 WWII 416th Bombardment Group ID from photo. Almost certainly named for an A-20G-25-DO (43-9224) named "Miss Laid". The A-20 Havoc was the first A-20 Havoc to complete 100 missions without a failure or abort, was renamed "La France Libre" to participate in a ceremony in Paris honoring the accomplishment.
Miss Liberty 41-39161 Modern N/A N/A ID'd from photos.
Miss Ma Nookie Korea Name from image. This is a different plane than Miss Mi-Nookie.
Miss Maggie Korea Name from photo
Miss Mi-Nookie 44-34569 Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photos
Miss Minookie II 44-35431 Korea Name form Photo. 95% sure of the serial number from the photo.
Miss Mildred [[ ]] WWII IDd from Photos
Miss Murphy 44-35601 Modern IDd from Photos and FAA records
Miss M(illegible) 44-34587 Korea 95th Bombardment Squadron 17th Bombardment Wing ID from photos and unit history
Miss Nancy Jo 44-34582 Korea 728th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from Unit historical association
Miss Red Deer 44-35444 Modern N/A Airspray ID from photo and FAA records.
Miss Sandy 44-34783 Korea 729th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from Unit historical association
Miss Used 44-34698 Korea 730th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from unit photos and unit history
Mission Completed 44-34765 WWII 386th Bombardment Group ID based on a drawing of this plane and unit history.
Mojave Kid 41-39596 Modern N/A N/A IDd from photos. Was a race plane.
Moonshine 44-34531 Korea 8th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photos
Monie 44-34517 Korea 17th Bombardment Wing ID from photos.
Mrs Dottie 44-34371 Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photos and squadron history
Mrs. Myk Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photos.
Murtis 44-35519 Korea IDd from photo
My Akinazz 44-34683 Korea 730th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from Photos and unit history
My Baby 44-34686 Korea ID from photos and personal account TSgt Jim Van Bogart (Gunner).
My Belle 44-34571 ID from photo
My Bonnie 43-22528 WWII ID from photos and historical records
My Darling June 44-35892 Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo and unit history
My Helen Korea 95th Bombardment Squadron ID from photo and account of pilot, Walsh.
My Margie 44-35530 Korea 8th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group Double check against below
My Margie 44-35520 Korea 8th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bomabardment Group IDd from photo
My Mary Lou 44-35696 Korea ID from photos and crew chief Bill Young
My (illegible) 44-34591 Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group IDd from photo
Myassisa Dragon 44-35882 Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo of Cpt. Quesnell by his plane and cross-reference of KORWALD.
Nancy Korea 95th Bombardment Squadron 17th Bombardment Wing ID from Photo. C-model.
Natalie Korea 8th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo and unit history
Nebba Hatchi Korea Photo of nose. reportedly from 3rd Bomb Group
Needith Edith II 44-34345 Korea 728th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from Unit historical association
Neva Hoppen 44-35767 Korea 728th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Group IDd from photos
Night Mission 41-39441 Korea 8th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from cross referencing photo, serial number list, and KORWALD.
Nightmare 44-35590 Modern IDd from photos
No Sweat Korea 34th Bombardment Squadron ID from photo.
Noop Gnat II 44-35939 Korea 731st Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group IDd from photos and unit history
Oklahoma Outlaw 41-39239 WWII 416th Bombardment Group ID'd from Photo.
Old's 88 44-34563 Korea 729th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from Photos and unit history
Omar Khayyam's Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo. Note: this may also be another name. Omar's visage on the navigator side.
The Osaka Stage Korea 90th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo and personal account of pilot, Cpt. Del Gosser
Our Leading Lady Korea 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from photos
Pagliacci 43-22607 WWII IDd from photo
Panhandler's Pride 41-39230 Modern N/A N/A ID'd from photos.
Pappy 43-22275 Modern N/A N/A ID from photo. Le Tourneau plane.
Pasadena Pistol Packer 44-34678 Korea 729th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from unit history
Pasadena Pistol Packer II 44-34580 Korea 729th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from Photos and unit history
Passionate Mountaineer Korea Name from photo.
Peggy WWII 670th Bombardment Squadron 319th Bombardment Group ID from photo and unit history
Phoenix Thunderbird 43-22313 WWII 416th Bombardment Group IDd from photos.
Pirate (?) 41-39204 WWII 386th Bombardment Group ID'd from photo. The nose depicts a pirate, but no words are visible.
P.O.I. (Piss On It) Korea 34th Bombardment Squadron 17th Bombardment Wing ID from photos
The Point 43-22343 Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bomardment Group ID from Photo and 13th Bomb Squadron historical association.
Pop Gun Pete 44-35915 Korea 729th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Group IDd from photos and unit history
Pretti Patty 44-34766 Modern ID from photos and FAA records
Pretty Barbara Lee Korea Name from photo
Princess Pud 44-34272 WWII 344th Bombardment Squadron 319th Bombardment Group IDd from Photos
Purple Shaft 43-22484 WWII ID from Photos
Puss and Boots 44-34749 Modern ID from photos
Question Mark 43-22386 Korea 8th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo. This question mark is on the tail.
Question Mark 44-34532 Korea 90th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo. This question mark is on the nose.
Rat Poison, Jr. 43-22312 WWII 386th Bombardment Group ID from photo.
Rebel Korea 8th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo and unit history
Redbird WWII 416th Bombardment Group ID from unit history. Plane flown by Lt. Michael A. Zubon.
The Redbird 41-39401 Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group IDd from Phtotos.
Reddy and Willin 44-34704 Korea 8th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo and unit history
Reida Rae 43-22499 WWII ID from photos.
Reynold's Bombshell 44-34759 Modern ID from photos and FAA records
Rice Paddy Wagon 44-35219 Korea 17th Bombardment Wing ID from photos
Rickey Tick- II 43-22498 WWII ID from photo
Roadrunner WWII IDd from Photos. Taken at Yokota AB.
Rude Invader 44-35752 Modern IDd from photos
Rugged Ruthie [[]] Korea 67th Tactical Reconnaisance Wing Photo of Nose, no SN visisble. Unit ID from background plane.
Ruthie J WWII 416th Bombardment Group ID from unit history
Sad Saki 44-34705 Korea 729th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from Unit historical association
Sad Saki II 44-34303 Korea 729th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from Unit historical association
Safe Passage 44-35497 Modern N/A Airspray ID from photos and FAA records
The Saint 43-22636 WWII 856th Bombardment Squadron 492nd Bombardment Group IDd from Photos.
Santa Lui 41-39198 WWII ID from Photo
Satan's Courier Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo and unit history
Scotch & Soda II 44-34572 Korea 729th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from Unit historical association
Sexy Sue 44-35562 Modern IDd from photo and FAA records
Shack Time!! 43-22260 WWII 127th Base Unit IDd from photo and accident report.
Shit House Mouse 64-17644 Congo Cuban Volunteer Group CIA Special Operations ID From Photo
Shook Up Shark Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo and unit history
Short Stuff WWII Name from photo. Unknown plane
The Silver Dragon 44-34104 Modern IDd from Photo
Silver Fox 44-35524 Modern N/A Airspray ID from photos and FAA records.
Skeezix Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo and unit history
Skippy 44-34630 Korea 729th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from Unit historical association
Sky Chief 43-22415 WWII 555th Bombardment Squadron 386th Bombardment Group ID from photos.
Snooper Korea 11th Tactical Reconnaisance Squadron ID from photo
Snow Queen 44-34156 Modern N/A N/A IDd from photo and FAA records
Sophisticated Sherry Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo and unit history
Spare Parts I 41-39345 WWII ID from photo
Spare Parts, Jr. 43-22373 WWII 386th Bombardment Group ID from photo.
Special Kay 64-17679 Modern IDd from photos
Spirit of N.C. 44-35911 Modern IDd from Photos
Spirit of Waco 41-39427 Modern N/A N/A IDd from Photots.
Stateside Dream 44-34698 Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo and unit history
Sterile Carol - she'll never be a 'bomma' 44-34344 Korea 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from photos and Unit History.
Stinky 43-22369 WWII 552nd Bombardment Squadron 386th Bombardment Group ID from photos.
Sugar Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from 13th bomb squadron historical society
Sugar Baby 41-39274 WWII 416th Bombardment Group ID'd from photos.
Sugarland Express 44-34602 Modern ID from photos
Sweet Bettie Korea 8th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo and unit history
Sweet Eloise II 44-34313 Korea 730th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from photos and Squadron Historical association
Sweet Miss Lillian 44-35224 Modern IDd from Photos. Dressed as a the 13th Bomb Squadron plane, but I've only seen modern pictures of it. The 13th BS Hx Asc has no record of this plane with their unit.
Sweet Pete 44-34282 WWII 319th Bombardment Group IDd from photos and accident report.
Sweet Sue Korea Name from photo
Sweet Therese 64-17649 Vietnam IDd from photo
Sweet Vivian 44-35892 Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from unit historical association
Sylvia 43-22342 Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bomardment Group ID from Photo and 13th Bomb Squadron historical association.
The Texas Kid WWII 416th Bombardment Group ID from photo
Texas Special 44-34312 Korea 8th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group IDd from photos
This is it Korea 17th Bombardment Wing ID from photo and historical records. Plane of 17BW CO, Col. Gordon Timmons
Toc-San 44-34311 Korea 8th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo and unit history
Tokyo Traveller WWII Name from photo. Reported to be Okinawa, 1945, but the paint scheme suggests 3rd Bomb Group.
Tom Swift's Flying Machine 43-22354 WWII 416th Bombardment Group ID From photos.
Torchy Korea 8th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo and unit history
Touchdown WWII 416th Bombardment Group ID from photo. Photo from Cpt. Cachat's collection identifies this as the plane of Lt. Leo Poundstone and is dated Apr 7, 1945. No missions were flown on April 7th. Poundstone did not fly any missions between Apr 7th and Apr 24th. He flew 5 additional mission between Apr 24th and the end of the war. Those missions were flown in 4 different planes. There is no indication that Touchdown was Poundstone's plane as he didn't seem to have a permanently assigned plane. The photo may have been taken prior to the 7th and dated later.
Trail of '98 44-34778 Modern N/A Airspray ID From photo and FAA records.
The Unloved 44-34527 Korea 8th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photos and unit history
Valiant Valerie 44-34117 Korea IDd from Photo. Wearing a Korean-era paint scheme, but photo taken at Mitchell AFB in 1958.
Vegas Vixen 41-39230 Modern N/A N/A ID'd from Photos.
Versatile Lady 44-34287 Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group IDd from photos
Vivian Girl 44-34337 Korea ID from Photos and personal account of Ric Lyden
The Waiting Lady Korea Name from photo
We Go Pogo [[]] Korea 8th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from Photo. A Pathfinder variant with Mc On the tail. Often gets confused for Redbird 41-39401, which also had Mc on the tail, but belonged the 8th's sister squadron.
The Wench 43-22374 Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from unit historical association
What Shebolians Korea 17th Bombardment Wing ID from Photos
The Wheel 44-34481 Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group IDd from Photos
The Wheel 44-34687 Korea 8th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo.
The Wheel 44-34698 Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from photo.
Whistler's Mother 41-39401 Modern N/A N/A ID from photo.
White Mule WWII 416th Bombardment Group IDd from photo
Wideroe's Flyveselskap 44-35425 Modern N/A N/A ID from Photo and FAA records. I have no idea what the name means. Google Translate seems to think it's Norwegian.
Wild Thang 44-34766 Modern ID from photos
Wildcat Willie 44-35315 Korea 13th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group ID from unit historical association
Wingless Wonder II 44-34137 Korea ID from photos.
Winnemac Werewolf 43-22501 WWII 416th Bombardment Group ID from photos.
(Illegible Illegible) 44-34136 Unknown Serial number is legible, but I cannot make out what is on the nose. The plane is painted in the colors of the 386th Bomb Group, but it's not clear if this is a contemporary paint job or a reproduction.
Yer Ol Dad 44-34703 Korea 728th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from Unit historical association
Yer Ol Dad II 44-34511 Korea 728th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from Unit historical association
Yer Ol Dad III 44-34493 Korea 728th Bombardment Squadron 452nd Bombardment Wing ID from Unit historical association
(illegible) 44-34386 Korea From Photo
(Illegible) 44-34432 WWII From photo. Can't make out what the nose says. Starts with a "C"
(Illegible} 44-34502 Korea 8th Bombardment Squadron 3rd Bombardment Group IDd from photo
The (illegible) 44-34141 Korea Michigan ANG IDd from photo. Can't make out what's on the nose.
(Woman) Korea Image from nose. From the Miho AB.
(woman) Korea Image from photo.