Preliminary Results

From Claiborne DNA and Genealogy
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I have reworked and reorganized all of the DNA Results and sorted everyone by Haplogroup rather than location. I did this because 1st: People within the Westmoreland Family are known to have emigrated to both Ireland and the US, so this one genetic family is spread out over at least three different countries, and 2nd: Within the same country there are members of two different families living in close proximity (for example, within the state of Virginia during the 1600s). By staying focused on the genetics of the surnames rather than the specific locations as the primary factor and treating location as secondary, it should be less confusing which people are related to whom.

Within the Claiborne/Clyborn families there are two predominant Haplogroups - I-M170 & R-M269. These two groups alone account for 45 of the 57 Y-DNA results present.


Haplogroup I-M253

There are two responses for this haplogroup, Kits 7482 & 323204. While the two responses are of the same general haplogroup architecture, there is not a close genetic match. These individuals have 13 genetic marker deviations, which suggest that their most recent common ancestor was approximately 54 to 56 generations ago.

Haplogroup R

This group contains 4 kits (172898, 38806, B470084, & 151220). Although all four kits are loosely in the R branch, none of the kits share any close connections with each other nor any other Claiborne/Clyburn matches.

Haplogroup E

Like Haplogroup R, this group contains 5 kits that are loosely related in the E branch of the human genome. (960881, 104913, 866365, 91910, and B16557). None of these results match each other, nor do they match any other group. Kits 91910 & B16557 are the closest match within this group, but they have 11 deviations in their code which suggests a Most Recent Common Ancestor between 46 and 48 generations ago.

Haplogroup J-M241

There is a single entry for Haplogroup J-M241, Kit 2206. This kit does not remotely resemble any other matches anywhere within the project. At this time we must conclude that the likely explanation is a Non-Paternity Event or Surname Switch that produced this result.

Haplogroup I-M170

This haplogroup represents the family of Col. William Claiborne and his descendants. There are 13 responses for this haplogroup. Of them, kit N47601 is an outlier and doesn’t match the rest of the samples. This person may have shared a common ancestor with the rest of the group many generations ago, but there is no close genetic match.

As for the rest of the group, there are 3 who share a 100% match across 37 markers. I am considering this the base for the I-M170 haplogroup. These kits are 235057, 700403, & 50140. These are members who are known descendants of Col. William. Kit 12658 also matches this group at 25 out of 25.

The rest of the group shows delineations and mutations from this base sample with the Most Recent Common Ancestor (MRCA) ranging from 5 to 18 generations ago. The kit numbers and deviations for the remainder of this group are presented on the right.

Kit Number #Deviations from main pattern #Generations for Most Recent Common Ancestor
12658 0 0
235057 0 0
700403 0 0
50140 0 0
23588 1 4-5
58758 2 8-10
81018 2 8-10
1583 2 8-10
157597 2 8-10
2924 3 13-15
1580 3 13-15
7654 4 17-19
N47601 12 47-51

Haplogroup R-M269

This haplogroup presents the largest sampling of Claiborne/Clyborn paticipants with just over half of the group belonging to this group. This group is known to be the ancient Westmoreland Family. The family had some members emigrate to Ireland and become Clibborn, and other members emigrated to America, of which “John “EC” Clyborn” (aka: John who drowned in the swamp) are members.

Owing to the fact that this group is the largest sample size of the project, it is also the most complex with no less than 7 sub-groups.

Archetypal Pattern

In what I am considering the base for this family group, due to the largest number of direct matches, the distinguishing feature is a value of 15-16-17-18 at allele DSY-464, which is known to be a fast-mutating gene. They also have values of 34-38 on allele CDY. The kits on the table below are based on a comparison of 30 markers of the archetype pattern. The table on the right shows the kits that belong to this pattern group, including two kits that should be considered too distant to be a match. I also included two kits (1581 & 5472) in this group that do not share the rest of the group’s DYS-464 pattern, but are otherwise closely related.

R-M269 Archetype Pattern
Kit Number #Deviations from main pattern #Generations for Most Recent Common Ancestor
15037 0 0
221345 0 0
44916 0 0
49209 0 0
1582 0 0
23620 0 0
1579 1 4-5
B487245 2 8-10
1586 3 13-15
1581 1 4-5
5472 3 13-15
47835 11 44-46
B175343 12 48-50

Pattern 2

Pattern 2 is interesting in that the DSY-464 allele values have mutated to be values of 15-16-17-17. The information on their table shows the values both in comparison to the Archetypal group and to each other. It is possible that these mutations occurred separately in two different branches in the family line independently, or that they are descended from each other. The number of generations shown here do roughly compute out to a Most Recent Common Ancestor approximately 400 years ago (give or take), which would put that ancestor squarely in the 1600’s.

R-M269 Pattern 2
Kit Number #Deviations from main pattern #Generations for Most Recent Common Ancestor #Deviations from Pattern 2 Modal Pattern 2 MRCA
3935 2 8-10 4 18-20
2541 4 18-20 4 18-20

Pattern 3

Pattern 3 demonstrates a mutation of the DSY-464 allele to values 15-15-17-17. Kits 1584 and 1585 are very closely related to each other, perhaps father and son. Three of these kits are reported to be from Ireland. It is known that some members of the Westmoreland Family left Cliburn Hall and moved to Ireland. Without examining the genealogical trees that accompany this data I cannot ascertain whether any of these kits are representative of that ancestor. However, based on the distance to the MRCA for the Westmoreland group, this ancestor would have been 1,400 years ago and would have come to Ireland during the 7th Century. Based on those calculations. Given that, I don’t think these kits represent the 17th Century Westmoreland Emigrant to Ireland. The Irish kits in Pattern 3 share a MRCA who lived circa 1,400.

R-M269 Pattern 3
Kit Number #Deviations from main pattern #Generations for Most Recent Common Ancestor #Deviations from Pattern 3 Modal Pattern 3 MRCA
1584 18 70-72 5 22-24
1585 20 74-76 5 22-24
511788 17 64-66 8 34-36
2542 18 70-72 9 38-40

Pattern 4

Pattern 4 is a pattern that returns values of 15-16-16-17 at allele DSY-464. The first two kits on the table match 100% at 37 of 37 markers. The third kit is temporarily assigned to this group and matches at 10 of 12 markers, but a more comprehensive test should be taken to confirm this result. It is not possible to accurately compute the MRCA distances for this third kit. Based on the distances for the MRCA in this pattern of the other kits, they do not appear to be closely related to the main Westmoreland Group, but they do appear to be closely related to each other.

R-M269 Pattern 4
Kit Number #Deviations from main pattern #Generations for Most Recent Common Ancestor #Deviations from Pattern 4 Modal Pattern 4 MRCA
69908 19 72-74 1 4-5
70103 19 72-74 1 4-5
18345 5* N/A 2* N/A

Pattern 5

Pattern 5 is a pattern that returns values of 15-16-17-20 at allele DSY-464. The first two kits on the table match 100% at 37 of 37 markers. The third kit is temporarily assigned to this group and matches at 9 of 12 markers, but a more comprehensive test should be taken to confirm this result. It is not possible to accurately compute the MRCA distances for this last kit. Based on the distances for the MRCA in this pattern of the other kits, they do not appear to be closely related to the main Westmoreland Group, but they do appear to be closely related to each other, perhaps immediate family or first cousins.

R-M269 Pattern 5
Kit Number #Deviations from main pattern #Generations for Most Recent Common Ancestor #Deviations from Pattern 5 Modal Pattern 5 MRCA
73050 5 22-24 0 0-2
113967 5 22-24 0 0-2
1630 4* N/A 3* N/A

Pattern 6

Pattern 6 is a pattern that returns values of 15-16-17-19 at allele DSY-464. While none of the kits are an exact match with each other in this group, they are all closely related with a shared MRCA within 4-5 generations. This group lives in England and has 8-10 generations removed from the Westmoreland Group. Based on the values, I believe that Kit 106392 represents an older branch of this family, and then Kit 2543 descended from that branch, and the remaining 3 kits descended from there.


There are two other R-M269 results that are outliers. The first is kit 926875. This kit has a DYS-464 value of 15-15-15-15 and has 14 deviations from the main Westmoreland line giving a MRCA around 53-55 generations ago. This is too remote to be considered a good fit and this kit should be excluded, especially since the Surname here is not a Clayborn variant.

Elemuel B. Clyburn (1834-1909)

The other kit, 48697, is also an outlier. It has a DYS-464 value of 15-15-15-15, but it is not related to the previous outlier. It has 13 deviations out of 37 markers and has a MRCA between 50-52 generations ago. Unlike some of the other examples, there are some specific details that are know about this kit. The kit belongs to a descendant of Lemuel(Elemuel) B. Clyborn of Giles Co, VA (1834-1909). On Paper, the father is William Clyborn and the mother is Christina Croy. While we do know the mother to be correct, we have learned that William Clyborn is not the father of Lemuel. We have also learned that this DNA pattern does not match Croy either. The origin of this DNA pattern seems to be from a Non-Paternity Event or a name Switch of unknown origin.