16th Century Cleburnes

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This page is a listing of all 15th Century Cleburnes from all parishes in England. This is a placeholder page as the information is processed and sorted through.


  1. Unknowm Cliburne (~1549)
    1. Joan Cliburne (b. 14 Sep 1574)



  1. Unknown Clibburne (~1542)
    1. William Clibburne (~1567)
      based on the entries for two Johns I initially thought that the first John died and the second was named in his stead. But given the close proximity between John and Christopher I now think that there may have been 2 Williams.
      1. John Clibburne (b. 13 Sep 1592)
      2. John Clibburne (b. 20 Sep 1594)
      3. Christopher Clibburne (b.17 Mar 1594)
    2. Richard Clibburne (~1572)
      1. William Clibburne (b. 18 Dec 1597)



  1. William Cleborne (~1558)
    1. Margaret Cleborne (b.21 Jul 1583)


  1. Thomas Cleyburne (~1574)
    1. Thomas Cleyburne (b.25 Jul 1599)



  1. Arthure Clybburne (~1542)
    m. Janet Oldfeld
    1. Abraham Clyburn (b. 10 Aug 1567)
    2. Alyce Clyburn (b. 20 Mar 1569)
    3. Arthure Clyburne (b. 1 Apr 1571)
      m. Mary Hepworth
      1. Richard Clybburne (b. 21 Apr 1589)
    4. Isabel Clyburne (b. 23 Nov 1572)
    5. John Clyburn (b. 1 Nov 1573)
    6. Elysabeth Clburn (b. 9 Sep 1576)
    7. Robert Clyburne (b. 23 Mar 1578)
    8. Edmond Clybburne (b. 23 Feb 1584)
    9. Grace Clybburne (b. 7 Aug 1586)


  1. William Claburne (~1560)
    1. John Claburne (b. 27 Mar 1585)
    2. John Claburne (b. 16 Dec 1587)
    3. William Claburne (b. 7 Jan 1592)


  1. William Claburne (~1560)
    1. Marie Claburne (b. 19 Jun 1585)


  1. Unknown Clibburne (~1560)
    1. Cuthbarte Clibburne (b. 27 Mar 1585)


  1. Thomas Clybburne (~1555)
    1. John Clybburne (b.11 Sep 1580)