Clebornes of Essex & Hertfordshire

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The Clebornes of Essex and Hertfordshire are a newly discovered branch of the family (as of May 2022) and the initial discovery is credited to Joshua Isom, who has been searching his biological Cleburne ancestor. In doing so, he has unraveled a big piece of this mystery, which I have expanded upon using the other available documents and records.

A large section of this family was determined through the Will of James Cleborne, and then filled out by cross-referencing the records of the surrounding area.

Context & Background

It has been known for some time that some people with the Isom surname are a perfect genetic match to the Westmorland Y-DNA profile. This can only be true if an Isom son was fathered by a Cleburne or Westmorland or if a Cleburne of Westmorland son was adopted by an Isom. In exploring this connection it was discovered that the American Isom ancestor for this haplogroup arrived on the vessel Globe of London, 1635. On board that same ship was Edward Cleiborne. It cannot be coincidence that two people with identical DNA but different surnames happen to arrive on the same ship. This postulated the idea that these two knew of each other.

Clayborn genealogists had been attempting to connect Edward of Henrico County, Virginia directly to Westmorland, since we know the DNA is match to that family. Some genealogists have made some assumptions in this area and connected certain Edwards listed in the Westmorland Parish Registers as being one and the same, despite tenuous evidence. We now know that this is not the case. Thanks to Joshua Isom's research, he uncovered where the Robert Isom from the Globe was living in London, and just 1.2 miles away, he found Edward Cleborne as well. This pair, in addition to living in very close proximity, are also the correct ages to be the 'Globe' passengers. Since we know the Globe sailed from London, and this pair is living on the outskirts of London, it is a certainty that this pair found in the records are the passengers from the Globe.

Will of James Cleborne

Below is the transcription of the Will of James Cleborne, provided by Mr. Joshua Isom. The lines are preserved in the same length and order as the original document (image in references).

The Will of James Cleborne, proved 3 Dec 1625.

In the name of God amen I
James Cleborne of Waltham Hollycrosse in the
Countie of Essex Bardge man, beinge sicke in bodie
but in good and perfecte memorie, thanckes be given
unto Almightie God doe make this my last Will
and Testament in manner followinge, First I give
and bequeath my soule into the handes of Almightie
God, hopinge assueredlie to have p[ar]don and forgivenes
of all my sy[n]ns by the death and blodshinge of Jesus
Christ my Siviour and redemer and by noe other
meanes, and for my body I Com[m]ytt unto the earth from
whence it came to be decentlie buried And for my
worldlie goodes I give and bequeath in maner following
First I give and bequeath unto James Cleborne my
my sonne Twentie shillinges, Item I give and bequeath
unto William Cleborne my sonne Twentie shillinges, Item
I give and bequeath unto Richard Cleborne my sonne
Twentie shillinges Item I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth
Alyn the wife of Amynabb Allen Twentie shillinges
Item I doe ordayne and appointe Thomas Cleborne and
Edward Cleborne my twoe yongest sonnes to be my Executors
of this my Will and Testament and to see theis legasies
paide at Easter next ensewinge, And if any of my said
children doe happen to die before Easter next, then that
portion to be equallie devided amongest the rest that
be livinge. In Witnes whereof I have hereunto set my
hand the eight daie of October in the first yeere of the
Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the
grace of God Kinge of England Scotland France and
Ireland defender of the faith etc

This testament was proved on the third day of the month of December in the year of the lord 1625
before master John Wiborow, clerk, surrogate, etc, by the oath of Thomas Cleborne, one of the
executors, etc. To whom, etc, sworn, etc, well, etc, and concerning a full, etc, and also a true, etc,
saving on the oath, etc, and with power reserved to Edward Cleborne, being in his minority, also
named as an executor in the same, when he shall come, etc.
The m[ar]ke of James Cleborne

Witnesses hereunto
John Wetherhead and
Thomas Howe
w[i]th James Cleborne
his sonne

Clebornes of Essex & Hertfordshire

  1. Unknown Cleburne
    1. William Cleborne
      m. 3 May 1573 Ellyne Wheatley in Barnet, Hertfordshire. [1]
    2. James Cleborne
      b. 10 May 1564 at Waltham Holy Cross, Hertfordshire, England. [2]
      d. 11 Oct 1625 at Waltham Holy Cross, Hertfordshire, England. [3] [4]
      m. 19 Jul 1590 - Agnes Jurye [5], b. 26 May 1570, St. Andrews, Hertford, England. [6] d. of Thomas Jurie [6] d. 4 Oct 1625 [7]
      James Sr. worked as a Bargeman on the River Lee, from his Will.
      1. Johane Cleborne [8]
        b. 26 Aug 1593 in Waltham Holy Cross, Hertfordshire, England. [8]
      2. Elizabeth Cleborne[4]
        b. 30 Mar 1595 in Waltham Holy Cross, Hertfordshire, England. [9]
        m. 28 May 1620 Benadab Ellen [4] [10]
      3. James Cleborne[4]
        b. 10 Dec 1598 at Waltham Holy Cross, Hertfordshire, England. [11]
        d. 13 Oct 1662 at Waltham Holy Cross, Hertfordshire, England. [12]
        m. 23 Jul 1620 Dorithy Matthew at Waltham Abbey, Essex, England. [13]
        James Jr. worked as a Glazier from his burial record.
        1. Elizabeth Cleborne [14]
          b. 2 Sep 1621 at Waltham Holy Cross, Hertfordshire, England. [14]
          m. 6 Jan 1642 Robert Cox at Waltham Abbey, Essex, England. [15]
        2. John Clibburne [16]
          b. 27 Mar 1636 in Waltham Holy Cross, Hertfordshire, England. [16]
        3. Jane Cleborne [17]
          b. 26 Apr 1641 in Waltham Holy Cross, Hertfordshire, England [17]
      4. William Cleborne[4]
        b. 6 Sep 1601 at Waltham Holy Cross, Hertfordshire, England. [18]
        m. 2 Oct 1625 Elizabeth Powill at Waltham Abbey, Essex, England. [19]
        1. William Cleborne [20]
          b. 6 Sep 1629 at Waltham Holy Cross, Hertfordshire, England. [20]
          d. 28 Sep 1629 at Waltham Holy Cross, Hertfordshire, England. [21]
        2. Elizabeth Cleborne [22]
          b. 26 Dec 1630 [22]
          m. 21 Oct 1652 Nicholas Ward at Waltham Abbey. [23]
        3. Mary Cleborne [24]
          b. 14 Apr 1633 in Waltham Holy Cross, Hertfordshire, England [24]
      5. Richard Cleborne[4] [25]
        b. 24 Jun 1604 at Waltham Holy Cross, Hertfordshire, England. [25]
      6. Thomas Cleborne[4]
        b. 16 Nov 1606 [26]
      7. Edward Cleiborne of Henrico County, Virginia [Notes 1]
        b. 22 May 1614 [27] [4] [28], Waltham Holy Cross, Hertfordshire, England.
        d. 15 Sep 1662, St. Michael, Barbados. [29] (See The Barbados Hypothesis).
        Edward is still a minor child at the time of his father's death in 1625 and was placed under the guardianship of his older brother, Thomas. [4]


  1. Edward is listed as Edmond on the Baptism record, however these are still the same people. There are many known cases of Edward and Edmond being used interchangeably during this time period, including the Edward of Westmorland.


  1. London, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812
    Wm Cleborne Marriage 1573.jpg
  2. England & Wales Christening Records, 1530-1906
  3. Waltham Holy Cross Register of Baptisms, Marriages, & Burials: 1607-1642: Oct 1625.
    James Cleborne Burial Record 11 Oct 1625.jpeg
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 Will of James Cleborne, London, England, Wills & Probate: 1507-1858
    James Cleborne Will 1625.jpg
  5. Waltham Holy Cross Register of Baptisms, Marriages, & Burials: 1580-1592 - Jul 1590
    James & Agnes Marriage record 1590.JPG
  6. Jump up to: 6.0 6.1 England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975
  7. Waltham Holy Cross Register of Baptisms, Marriages, & Burials: 1607-1642 - Oct 1625
    Agnes Jury Death 1625.JPG
  8. Jump up to: 8.0 8.1 Waltham Holy Cross Register of Baptisms, Marriages, & Burials: 1580-1592 - Aug 1593
    Johane 1593.JPG
  9. Waltham Holy Cross Register of Baptisms, Marriages, & Burials: 1580-1592 - Mar 1595
    Elizabeth bapt 1595.JPG
  10. Waltham Holy Cross Register of Baptisms, Marriages, & Burials: 1607-1642 - May 1620
    ElizEllen Marriage 1620.JPG
  11. Waltham of Holy Cross Register of Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials: 1580-1592
    James Jr Baptism 1598.JPG
  12. Waltham of Holy Cross Register of Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials: 1653-1686 - Oct 1662.
    James Clibourn burial 1662.JPG
  13. Waltham Holy Cross Register of Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials: 1607-1642
    James Dorthy Marriage 1620.JPG
  14. Jump up to: 14.0 14.1 Waltham Holy Cross Register of Baptisms, Marriages, & Burials: 1607-1642 - Sep 1621
    Eliz Bapt 1621.JPG
  15. Waltham Holy Cross Register of Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials: 1607-1642 - Jan 1642
    Eliz m. Robt Cox 1642.JPG
  16. Jump up to: 16.0 16.1 Waltham Holy Cross Register of Baptisms, Marriages, & Burials: 1607-1642 - Mar 1636
    John Bapt 1636.JPG
  17. Jump up to: 17.0 17.1 Waltham Holy Cross Register of Baptisms, Marriages, & Burials: 1607-1642 - Apr 1641
    Jane bapt 1641.JPG
  18. Waltham Holy Cross Register of Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials: 1580-1592 - Sep 1601
    Wm Son of James Bapt 1601.JPG
  19. Waltham Holy Cross Register of Baptisms, Marriages, & Burials: 1607-1642 - Oct 1625
    Wm Cleborne Marriage 1625.JPG
  20. Jump up to: 20.0 20.1 Waltham Holy Cross Register of Baptisms, Marriages, & Burials: 1607-1642 - Sep 1629
    Wm Cleborn bapt 1629.JPG
  21. Waltham Holy Cross Register of Baptisms, Marriages, & Burials: 1607-1642 - Sep 1629
    Wm Cleborne Burial 1629.JPG
  22. Jump up to: 22.0 22.1 Waltham Holy Cross Register of Baptisms, Marriages, & Burials: 1607-1642 - Dec 1630
    Eliz bapt 1630.JPG
  23. Waltham Holy Cross Register of Baptisms, Marriages, & Burials: 1642-1653 - Oct 1652
    ElizWard 1652.JPG
  24. Jump up to: 24.0 24.1 Waltham Holy Cross Register of Baptisms, Marriages, & Burials: 1607-1642 - Apr 1633
    Mary Bapt 1633.JPG
  25. Jump up to: 25.0 25.1 Waltham Holy Cross Register of Baptisms, Marriages, & Burials: 1580-1592 - Sep 1604
    Richard Cleborne bapt 1604.JPG
  26. Waltham Holy Cross Register of Baptisms, Marriages, & Burials: 1580-1592 - Nov 1606
    Thomas Bapt 1606.JPG
  27. Hotten, John Camden "The original lists of persons of quality, emigrants, religious exiles, political rebels, serving men sold for a term of years, apprentices, children stolen, maidens pressed, and others, who went from Great Britain to the American plantations, 1600-1700" Pg. 120 (1874) Empire State Book Company.
    Hottens Cleborne Isom.JPG
  28. Waltham Holy Cross Register of Baptisms, Marriages, & Burials: 1607-1642 - May 1614
    Edward of the Globe Baptism.JPG
  29. St. Michael's Church Parish Register, St. Michaels, Barbados