TS Hottle

TS Hottle

TS Hottle is a science fiction writer originally from Cleveland. By night, he writes, cooks, golfs, plays video games with his future stepson, and fights with a cat named Tearyon. Sometimes, he wins against the cat, but not often. By day, he is a software developer.

For fifteen years, he wrote crime fiction under the name Jim Winter. Now he has returned to his first love: science fiction. He has created The Compact Universe, a series of loosely connected space opera tales centered around humans’ disastrous first contact with a species known as the Gelt.

He lives in the Cincinnati suburb of Deer Park with his fiancée Candy and her son. When not writing or cooking, they both can be found fixing up their newly purchased Cape Cod. Which has a deck. Which makes TS very happy.

You can follow TS on his website: http://tshottle.com

Books by TS Hottle:

The Children of Amargosa
The Second Wave
Storming Armagosa
The Root of War
The Marylinsists
Gimme Shelter
Broken Skies